Helping Christian Entrepreneurs and the Body of Christ

A personal letter to Christian entrepreneurs from Brandt, the Co-Founder of on Team Jesus:

Are you a Christian entrepreneur that could benefit from more business? The aim of our Christian Business Directory is to help you boost your online visibility by linking to your site, and also sharing your business with countless other consumers who share your values.

As a Christian entrepreneur, you most likely created your business to, among other things, provide for your family. Maybe you tried being an employee, or maybe you still are an employee, but you know that God gave you skills, ability, and a desire to be a Christian entrepreneur — not just an employee.

I feel the same way, my whole family has been doing business ever since I can remember – especially my brothers and me. Even before I was saved, I was an entrepreneur. I remember buying candy bars at the store when they were on sale, and then bringing a gym bag full of candy to school and making a huge profit.

Once God saved me, in 2003, I became a Christian entrepreneur — I was no longer willing to do shady or non-mutually beneficial deals. I am in no way saying that I am a perfect Christian entrepreneur but my faith and values our governed by my love for Jesus, and others. If the Bible said it was wrong to write a blog – then you wouldn’t be reading this.

What’s all this got to do with you being a Christian entrepreneur — Well, I am one too, and I want to help. My wife and I launched this Christian Business Directory with a few goals in mind. One of them is boosting the business of Christian entrepreneurs. The Bible says, in Galatians 6:10 that we should do good to all people, especially Christians. (Paraphrased). If I have money to spend, why not consider Christian entrepreneurs first?

It may not always be the case that we get to support Christian entrepreneurs, but we should at least think of it. Sometimes the best choice may in fact not be a fellow believer, but it’s something we should be considering. This directory will help believers find Christian entrepreneur who share their values and love of Jesus.

My older brother owns a website and SEO company that has helped hundreds of businesses over the course of 19 years that he’s been in business. Over the past year I’ve been doing some work for him and while I’ve been very thankful to be earning an income helping businesses all over the country show up more on Google, in the back of my mind, I always thought I wish I could be helping Christian entrepreneurs.

The first step in building a Christian Business Directory is adding businesses. That’s the phase we’re in. Right now, we’re looking for devout Christian entrepreneurs who want to join us in this cause. At the time of this blog, there’s only about 6 Christian entrepreneurs who have taken the leap of faith and joined our Christian Business Directory. If the Lord wills, we’re praying that someday our website will be a national directory helping Christian entrepreneurs and Christian-owned businesses throughout the country.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Or sign up today and support this cause and receive the benefit of being a founding member of


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