This Christian business directory can help not only small business owners, but also the entire body of Christ. But will take a look at how it could help each group independently.

For Christian business owners this is an additional resource to your existing marketing efforts. Maybe you’re already doing paper click advertising or just relying on word-of-mouth advertising. Or maybe you are placing yourself in mailers that are sent out to your community. All of those things are excellent ideas and joining our Christian business directory is just yet another step you can take to promote and advertise your business.

We intentionally kept the price of our Christian business directory extremely affordable so that it could be done in addition to whatever marketing or advertising you’re currently doing or if you’re not doing anything it could still be such a low price that you would want to do it to gain, eyeballs from visitors that have shared values.

It’s current offering of just $19 a month. Our list of Christian businesses cost just pennies a day. This means that even if you’re already at part of another Christian business directory or had never even given any thought to being on a website such as ours now is the perfect time to join.

Our growth phase we’re adding businesses to the site as a top priority. We can’t very well start promoting our website for people to visit for services of Christian on business, until we have a reasonable number of businesses listed on our Christian business directory.

You immediately gain a link from our site back to yours in the SCO world is known as a back link. If you choose to link to us, and if many people do, it will increase our domain authority which will be beneficial to you, because now a domain with the high domain authority is linking to you.

Additionally, the more businesses that linked to us the more exposure for all the businesses. So let’s just say that someone is coming to our site. Looking for an electrician and happens to see that we also have a plumbing or air-conditioning company on our Christian business directory this will be beneficial for all companies involved.

There is a possibility that you’re thinking that our Christian business directory or being involved in it may in fact increase your competition as someone may come to our website looking for a service that you offer only to find that another company on our Christian business directories also offers that same service however, this should not be a concern of yours because on our Christian business directories, we have far less businesses than exist on places like Google yelp or Angie’s list so even though there is competition, there’s far less than if they weren’t looking on our directory of Christian businesses.

Additionally, you might think that, adding a link to your site to our may lose people business, because may someone of your customers would come and see that you’re on Team Jesus or that your website is linked or associated with a list of Christian-owned businesses, and they may choose not to do business with you. That is certainly a possibility, but there are two other possibilities one someone might see that your linked with a Christian business directory and not care at all and two someone might see that you’re on Team Jesus and choose to go with your company for that reason, so out of the three possible outcomes of someone seeing that you’re on a directory of Christian businesses at least two of them are good for you.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s a 66% chance that will be beneficial for you, but it does mean that two out of the three possibilities with linking your business with a Christian business directory are good. There are some circumstances where you’ll want to keep your business off of our business directory and if you’re conscience or convictions or just business, logic tells you that it’s not a good idea for your site to be linked to our list of Christian companies then by all means, don’t join.

In an attempt to ensure that our Christian business directory is filled with faithful and devout real Christians. We have a vetting process. During registration we ask you to provide two references. One of them can just be a personal friend and the other should be a pastoral reference it doesn’t necessarily have to be a pastor. It could be a deacon or an elder at your church, or even a church friend if you don’t have one of the first two.

Our goal with this is that we want to contact these people and simply ask about your reputation and character. We’re not trying to dig up dirt on you and we let the people know that. we advised the people that were speaking to that we’re aware that only you and God truly know if you’re a Christian but we just want to know from them if you exude a lifestyle that looks like someone who is in Christ.

In addition, we currently have five Christian affirmations that you must affirm before joining our directories. We’re well aware that there is far more nocturnal and theological possibilities that we can all divide on, but the goal with these affirmations is to ensure that people that join our Christian business directory are like-minded and believe in foundational Christian truths.

The first step, if you would like to join our Christian company list is to pay the membership fee. Once it has been paid, the next step is to submit an application. The reason that we charge first is because we assume that people that want to join our Christian business directory will be welcomed. once we receive both your payment and your application, we will begin contacting your Christian references. The whole process should take less than three days for your business to appear on our directory of Christian businesses.

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