Remember to tell them you found them ‘on Team Jesus’

About Reshape and Recover

People are hurting because of food addiction and overeating. It’s making them sick, overweight, and often anxious and depressed. Reshape and Recover is a Christ-Centered 12-Step membership that helps people recover from food addiction so they can lose weight, keep it off, and live a healthy, happier life. 
The recovery program we use is the book “12 Steps to Recovery From Overeating” by Julie A. Kleinhans, along with other materials written to infuse the Word of God into our program.
We are building a community of Christians who share the same desire to recover from compulsive overeating, walking alongside our Lord and Savior and each other on their journey to recovery. 

As a member of on Team Jesus this business affirms the following:

    • The Nature of God: “There is ONE TRUE God, who has eternally existed in three distinct persons: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.”
    • The Bible: “The Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God and is the ultimate authority in matters of faith and practice.”
    • Jesus Christ: “Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of a virgin. He lived a sinless life, performing many miracles to attest to His divinity.”
    • Salvation and Redemption: “All have sinned and fallen short. Salvation is a free gift from God, attainable not by works but through faith in Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, rose again on the third day, and grants us eternal life.”
    • The Authority of Leadership: “No human, including any church leader or religious figure, holds infallible authority over the church of Christ.”

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Reshape and Recover: Overcoming Food Addiction, Finding Freedom in Faith

christ-centered weight loss artFood addiction is a real struggle. For many, it leads to overeating, weight gain, and feelings of anxiety and depression. But there’s hope. Reshape and Recover is here to help you find freedom from food addiction through a Christ-centered 12-Step program. Together, with faith and community support, you can reshape your relationship with food and recover the life God intended for you. Ready to start this journey? Let’s dive in!

1. What’s Reshape and Recover All About?

At Reshape and Recover, we understand that food addiction is more than just a bad habit—it’s a battle. That’s why our program is built on a foundation of faith, offering a safe space for individuals to heal and grow. Our 12-Step program, based on the book “12 Steps to Recovery From Overeating” by Julie A. Kleinhans, is designed to help you break free from the chains of overeating and live a healthy, fulfilling life.

  • Christ-Centered Approach: We believe that true recovery is found in Christ. Our program infuses the Word of God into every step, providing spiritual support and guidance.
  • Community Support: You’re not alone in this journey. At Reshape and Recover, you’ll find a community of believers who share your struggles and support your recovery. Together, we walk hand in hand, following our Lord and Savior.

2. Why Choose a 12-Step Program?

lose weight christ-centered artYou might be wondering, “Why a 12-step program?” The truth is, this structure has helped countless people overcome various addictions. At Reshape and Recover, we tailor the 12 steps specifically for food addiction, combining proven techniques with Christian principles.

  • Accountability: The program provides a structured path, encouraging accountability and commitment to recovery.
  • Spiritual Growth: Each step is designed to bring you closer to God, helping you find peace, strength, and purpose.
  • Practical Tools: Beyond spiritual support, our program offers practical tools for managing cravings, making healthier choices, and maintaining long-term recovery.

3. A Taste of Our Approach—Let’s Talk About Food Cravings

Here’s a little humor to lighten things up:

Why don’t we ever tell secrets in a cornfield?
Because there are too many ears! 🌽

But seriously, food cravings can feel like they’re listening in on our every thought, tempting us to indulge. At Reshape and Recover, we teach you how to handle those cravings. It’s not about resisting forever—it’s about transforming your relationship with food.

4. The Power of Scripture in Recovery

The Bible is more than just a book; it’s a source of strength, wisdom, and guidance. At Reshape and Recover, scripture plays a crucial role in our program. We believe that the Word of God has the power to heal and transform lives.

  • Daily Devotions: Each day, we start with a scripture reading and prayer, setting the tone for a day of recovery and renewal.
  • Scripture-Based Discussions: We integrate Bible study into our group sessions, helping members see their struggles through a spiritual lens.

5. Building a Community of Support

christian weight loss coach artRecovery isn’t something you do alone—it takes a village. At Reshape and Recover, we’re building a community of Christians who support each other on their journey to freedom from food addiction.

  • Group Meetings: Regular meetings provide a space for members to share their experiences, offer support, and celebrate victories together.
  • Mentorship Opportunities: Pairing up with someone who’s further along in their recovery can provide guidance, encouragement, and inspiration.

6. Overcoming Shame and Guilt

One of the biggest hurdles in recovery is overcoming feelings of shame and guilt. At Reshape and Recover, we emphasize God’s grace and forgiveness. No matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done, God’s love is unconditional, and His mercy is endless.

  • Forgiveness and Healing: Our program helps members release the burden of guilt, embrace God’s forgiveness, and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose.

7. Making Healthy Choices—One Step at a Time

Recovery isn’t about drastic changes overnight; it’s about making small, consistent choices that lead to a healthier life. At Reshape and Recover, we provide practical tips for making better food choices, staying active, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

  • Meal Planning Tips: Learn how to prepare meals that nourish your body and satisfy your soul.
  • Physical Activity: Discover fun and accessible ways to incorporate exercise into your daily routine.

8. Encouraging Long-Term Success

Recovery is a journey, not a destination. At Reshape and Recover, we equip members with the tools they need to maintain their recovery long-term. It’s about building habits that support a healthy, happy life.

  • Relapse Prevention: We provide strategies for recognizing triggers and avoiding relapse, helping you stay on track.
  • Ongoing Support: Our community is here for you, offering continued encouragement and support even after you’ve completed the program.

9. The Power of Prayer

Prayer is a powerful tool in the journey to recovery. At Reshape and Recover, we believe that prayer connects us to God’s strength, offering comfort and guidance when we need it most.

  • Prayer Groups: Join others in prayer, lifting each other up and seeking God’s help and healing.
  • Personal Prayer: Learn how to develop a personal prayer practice that supports your recovery.

10. Ready to Start Your Journey? Contact Reshape and Recover Today!

If you’re struggling with food addiction and looking for a faith-based solution, Reshape and Recover is here for you. Together, we can overcome addiction, find freedom, and live the life God has planned for us. Contact us today at 602-730-4115 or email us at Remember, you’re not alone—we’re on Team Jesus, and we’re ready to help you every step of the way.